It is with great joy and many volunteer hours that we are now Broadcasting from our new premises at Circle Street. We have a temporary studio in operation until new studio rooms are fully operational. Holidays and Covid have made us a little behind our time targets but it will happen as soon as trades allow. Thank you to New Norfolk High School for the last 10 years. Temporary Studio in operation shown above.
New Premises

It is with much excitement that we announce that we will be moving to the Courthouse Building in Circle Street by Christmas this year. Our tenure at the New Norfolk High School will finish this year as the School has need of our space. Much gratitude to the School staff and the Education Department for allowing us to be part of their community since 2010. Pictures to follow.
Array Array!!!

We are pleased to announce that we now have full output of 1000 watt from our new tower. Well done to our amazing Tech team Jim Parish and Roz Chapman with Jettech Technologies. The culmination of 8 years of Fundraising and striving. Well done to everyone who has bought a raffle ticket or attended a Trivia Night or written a Grant Application.

New Transmitter
The riggers are up our tower again fitting the new Arrays and the new Transmitter is being fitted and activated, should be all running by tomorrow. This will increase our output signal into the Derwent Valley.
R I P The Geordie

It is with much sadness that we must tell you that “The Geordie” (Spencer Tracy) passed away this morning.
Day 7
To get to the website for this fundraising click this link : https://tasrangerrelay.wixsite.com/home

Our Tower is erected and the components are being fitted as this is being written. We hope to be Broadcasting from the new tower by the end of November.

New Antennae for TygaFM
It is with great joy that we can announce that our new Antennae will soon be erected at our allocated site on Peppermint Hill. This will increase our broadcast range to reach further up the Derwent Valley areas that have not been able to receive us. The components are in close proximity to New Norfolk and we are only waiting for the final word from DV Council for construction to proceed.
On December 1st 2020 at 6.06pm TygaFM went off-air from transmitting from the New Norfolk Golf Club roof. Our thanks for the Golf Club for allowing us to use their roof for these past 8 years. Our first location was the Council Chamber Roof. So many people and businesses have been a continued support for TygafM, we really appreciate it.
Our AMAZING Tech team made up of Jim Parish and Roz Chapman then proceeded to remove our transmitting equipment from the Golf Club to our new tower located at Peppermint Hill.
The last step was for Jim to reposition the Yagi located at the New Norfolk High School to align the signal to the new tower (Jim pictured).
At 7.28pm the equipment was turned on and the TygaFM studios were live once again, Peter Sweetlove on the panel (listen to audio below of the event) , but this time from Peppermint Hill. The signal is now 300watts in power which is twice the output we could achieve from the Golf Club.
We are now in process of researching our coverage to areas previously not reached by our signal, places like Collinsvale, Molesworth, Ouse, Hamilton, Bothwell.
We have not finished yet!! We are approved by ACMA to broadcast at 1000watts, so our next goal is to get a new transmitter of that rating. Watch this space.
Congratulations to all of our VOLUNTEERS and Supporters that have made it possible for YOUR Community station TygaFM 98.9 to give you this service

New web site
Hi all, I have set up a new TYGA-FM web site using a Content Management System (CMS) to modernise it. This allows us to take advantage of professionally designed templates and allow easier database maintenance of the content. The content came from the old site and from Rozzie. Please have a look at it at https://www.tygafm.org.au/ and email me at grahamc@tygafm.org.au if you spot any errors or inconsistencies, thanks.
read moreCompleted weekday schedule
Despite not having much news printed on this website, there have been some great achievements in this station. We have almost completed our daytime schedule and there are only four one hour weekend slots remaining. We are now starting to fill up the midnight to dawn slots. A big thank you to all our presenters who all do a fantastic job 🙂
read moreOverclocked move
Overclocked v1.0 which was on at Thursday nights has been moved as Overclocked v2.0 on Fridays from 8pm to 9pm.
read moreNew Board member
TYGA-FM has a new board member with Nigel Jones as secretary. Nigel replaces Mark Corlett in this position.
read moreMedia Studies Cert 3 course
10 Station personal are currently doing a Media Studies Cert 3 course with the Community Media Training Organisation thanks to a grant from the CBAA. So not only will our team of presenters be truly awesome, some of us will have a piece of paper to prove it!
read moreHe’s back… with a new timeslot
Overclocked v2.0 is now on air Thursday nights from 10pm to 11pm. This new timeslot covers Games Music and the game reviews. Join Thezza in his new gaming adventure thingy-jig 😛
read moreWelcome Kelly-Jo Ostermann
Kelly’s new show is on Tuesday and Thursday from midday ’til 2.00pm.   It is great to have early afternoon presenters onboard, and Kelly’s music will be a mixed bag of music.
read moreNew Sponsorship Manager
Scott Shaw is Tyga’s new Sponsorship Manager. Â The board welcomes Scott to his new position
read moreOur station mascot has a name!
Our Tassie Tyga has now been christened “Strypes”.  Congratulations to Jordan from Fairview Primary School for the winning entry in our “name our mascot” competition.
read moreCongratulations Rozzie!!!
Roz Chapman has won a community service award in the Australia Day awards ceremony at Tynwald Park.  Well done 🙂
read more