TYGAbytes is the e-newsletter of Derwent Valley Community Radio Inc

TYGAbytes Issue 38 – Winter 2024

TYGAbytes Issue 37 – Autumn 2024

TYGAbytes Issue 34 – Winter 2023

TYGAbytes Issue 33 – Autumn 2023

TYGAbytes Issue 32 – Summer 2022

TYGAbytes Issue 31 – Spring – 2022

TYGAbytes-Issue-30-Winter -2022


TYGAbytes Issue 28 – Summer 2021

TYGAbytes Issue 27 – Spring 2021


TYGAbytes Issue 24 – Summer 2020

TYGAbytes Issue 23 – Spring 2020


TYGAbytes Issue 21 – Autumn 2020

TYGAbytes Issue 20 – Summer 2019

TYGAbytes Issue 19 – Spring 2019 (PDF 1.54Mb)


TYGAbytes – Issue-17-Autumn 2019

TYGAbytes Issue 16 – Spring 2016   (PDF 1 Mb)

TYGAbytes Issue 15 – Summer-Autumn 2016   (PDF 137 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 14 – Spring 2015   (PDF 191 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 13 – Autumn 2015   (PDF 265 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 12 – Summer 2015   (PDF 317 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 11 – Spring 2014   (PDF 365 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 10 – Autumn 2014 (PDF 450 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 9 – Summer 2014 (PDF 200 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 8 – Spring 2013   (PDF 600 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 7 – Winter 2013   (PDF 900 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 6 – Autumn 2013   (PDF 3.6 Mb)

TYGAbytes Issue 5 – Winter 2012   (PDF 1.6 Mb)

TYGAbytes Issue 4 – Autumn 2012   (PDF 135 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 3 – Summer 2012   (PDF 700Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 2 – Spring 2011   (PDF 86 Kb)

TYGAbytes Issue 1 – Winter 2011   (PDF 117 Kb)